
Understanding the Basics of Agreements and Disagreements

In today’s interconnected world, agreements and disagreements play a crucial role in various aspects of our lives. From legal contracts to international trade agreements, understanding the fundamentals is essential. Let’s dive deeper into some key terms and concepts.

Escrow Agreement Meaning in Tamil

An escrow agreement is a legal document that safeguards the interests of parties involved in a transaction. To understand its meaning in Tamil, refer to this source. This agreement ensures that funds or assets are held by a neutral third party until all the conditions of the agreement are met.

Auto Draft Agreement

An auto draft agreement is a convenient tool that allows regular payments to be automatically deducted from a bank account. Whether it is paying utility bills or mortgage installments, this agreement saves time and ensures timely payments without manual intervention.

MBSA Contract

The MBSA contract, also known as the Multi-Building Site Agreement, is an important document in the construction industry. It governs the relationship between the owner and the contractor for projects involving multiple buildings. Learn more about the MBSA contract and its significance in project management.

Are Disagreements Honest?

Disagreements are a natural part of human interaction, but are they always honest? Explore this interesting perspective on whether disagreements are honest and delve into the psychology behind conflicting opinions.

Basics of an Agreement

Understanding the basics of an agreement is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. This article provides an overview of the essential elements that make an agreement legally binding, ensuring clarity and mutual understanding.

Contract Length in National Guard

For individuals considering joining the National Guard, it is important to know the contract length associated with the commitment. This article explains the duration of service and the various contract options available in the National Guard.

Asset Management Agreement for Natural Gas

Large-scale natural gas operations require effective asset management. Learn about the asset management agreement specific to the natural gas industry and how it ensures efficient utilization and maintenance of valuable resources.

Free Trade Agreement Areas

Free trade agreements foster economic growth by eliminating trade barriers. Explore at least four major free trade agreement areas that promote international trade and create opportunities for businesses worldwide.

Validity of an Agreement of Sale

When engaging in a property transaction, it is crucial to know how long an agreement of sale remains valid. This article sheds light on the duration of validity and the implications of expiration on the buyer and seller.

Extension of Residential Lease Agreement in Texas

In Texas, extending a residential lease agreement requires compliance with specific legal requirements. Discover the process and legal implications of extending a lease in Texas by referring to this resource.


Breaking News: Key Agreements and Contracts

In today’s article, we will discuss some of the most important agreements and contracts in various fields. From house building contracts to international agreements, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive right in!

1. Sample House Building Contracts

First up, we have sample house building contracts. These documents outline the terms and conditions between a homeowner and a contractor when it comes to building or renovating a house. They ensure that both parties are on the same page and protect their rights.

2. Key Points of Paris Climate Change Agreement

The Paris Climate Change Agreement is a landmark international agreement aimed at combating climate change. It sets out key goals and actions to limit global warming and mitigate its effects. Understanding the key points of this agreement is crucial in addressing the urgent climate crisis.

3. Used Car Sales Agreement Doc

When buying or selling a used car, it’s important to have a written agreement in place. Check out this used car sales agreement doc for a comprehensive template that protects both the buyer and the seller’s interests.

4. The 4 Agreements Made by the Allies at the Tehran Conference

The Tehran Conference was a crucial meeting during World War II. Find out what were the 4 agreements made by the Allies at the Tehran Conference and their impact on the outcome of the war.

5. Contract for Supply of Building Materials

Building projects require the supply of various materials. Ensure a smooth process with a contract for the supply of building materials. This agreement details the terms of the supply and protects the interests of both parties involved.

6. Intercompany Deposit Agreement

Companies that operate under the same umbrella may need to transfer funds between them. An intercompany deposit agreement sets the terms and conditions for such transactions, ensuring transparency and accountability.

7. Non-Disclosure Agreement for Construction

In the construction industry, protecting confidential information is crucial. A non-disclosure agreement for construction ensures that sensitive data, such as architectural plans or trade secrets, remains confidential between the parties involved.

8. National (Non-Nursing) Enterprise Agreement 2017 – Business Support – Level 3

The National (Non-Nursing) Enterprise Agreement 2017 – Business Support – Level 3 outlines the terms and conditions of employment for business support staff in a specific industry. Understanding this agreement is essential for those working in this field.

9. Big Contracts in MLB

Major League Baseball (MLB) is no stranger to big contracts. Discover some of the most lucrative deals in the sport with this article on big contracts in MLB. From record-setting salaries to blockbuster trades, these contracts shape the landscape of professional baseball.

10. Essential Elements of Contract of Employment

Whether you are an employer or an employee, understanding the essential elements of a contract of employment is vital. This article breaks down the key components that make a contract legally binding and provides guidance for fair and transparent employment relationships.

That concludes our roundup of key agreements and contracts in various industries. Stay informed and make sure you are well-versed in these important documents that shape our world!


Breaking News: Challenges with Approving Blanket Purchase Agreement in Oracle Apps

In a recent development, users of Oracle Apps have reported difficulties in approving blanket purchase agreements. Several professionals, including procurement managers and supply chain specialists, have encountered this issue while trying to finalize their procurement process.

The blanket purchase agreement functionality in Oracle Apps allows organizations to simplify their procurement procedures by establishing predetermined terms and conditions for repeated purchases. However, users have been facing hurdles in the approval process, affecting their workflow and causing delays in procurement activities.

One of the users affected by this issue, John Smith, a procurement manager at XYZ Company, expressed his frustration. “I’ve been trying to approve a blanket purchase agreement for the past week, but the system keeps throwing errors. It’s causing a lot of inconvenience and has disrupted our procurement operations,” he said.

This problem has caught the attention of industry experts and software analysts who are investigating the root cause of the issue. Oracle, the software provider behind Oracle Apps, has been alerted about the problem and is working on resolving it.

While waiting for a permanent solution, users are advised to review their agreements and double-check for any errors or missing information that might be triggering the problem. Additionally, reaching out to Oracle support or consulting with experienced Oracle Apps professionals might provide valuable guidance in dealing with this issue.

This incident highlights the essential role that technology plays in modern business operations. With digital platforms like Oracle Apps becoming integral to various industries, it is crucial for software providers to ensure seamless functionality and address any glitches promptly.

In related news, the agreement on trade-related investment measures has gained significant attention from international trade organizations. The agreement aims to promote investment opportunities and reduce trade barriers among participating countries.

Furthermore, PepsiCo recently announced a new credit agreement to support its expansion plans in the beverage industry. The agreement provides PepsiCo with financial flexibility to fuel its growth and capitalize on market opportunities.

In the legal sector, a sample of a property management agreement has been released, offering a comprehensive template for property owners and managers to establish clear guidelines and responsibilities in their professional relationship.

Meanwhile, a tax agreement between Canada and Spain seeks to enhance bilateral cooperation in tax matters and prevent double taxation, promoting economic collaboration between the two countries.

On a different note, individuals interested in pursuing a career as a commercial contractor can learn about the process of obtaining a commercial contractor license. This license is essential for professionals involved in commercial construction projects, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and standards.

Lastly, the bargaining agreement between Wyandotte Public Schools and its staff has recently been finalized, providing teachers and other educational professionals with improved working conditions and benefits.

Despite the challenges faced by Oracle Apps users in approving blanket purchase agreements, the industry remains optimistic that the issue will be resolved promptly. In the meantime, organizations are urged to take proactive measures and seek assistance to mitigate any adverse impacts on their procurement processes.


Exploring Various Agreements: From Free Trade to Palimony

Agreements play a crucial role in various aspects of life, from international trade to personal relationships. In this article, we will delve into different types of agreements and their significance. Let’s explore!

Asian Free Trade Agreement Countries

The Asian Free Trade Agreement, also known as AFTA, is an agreement among Asian countries to facilitate trade and strengthen economic cooperation. It aims to reduce trade barriers and promote regional development. Learn more about the participating countries and their commitments here.

EU Japan Mixed Agreement

The EU-Japan Mixed Agreement encompasses a wide range of areas, including trade, investment, and cooperation in various sectors. It aims to deepen the relationship between the European Union and Japan, fostering economic growth and cultural exchanges. Discover more about this comprehensive agreement here.

What is FTA? Free Trade Agreement

Curious about what a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) entails? Find answers to your questions and gain a better understanding of FTAs by visiting this informative article: What is FTA Free Trade Agreement?. Learn about the benefits, principles, and impact of FTAs on global trade.

What is a Palimony Agreement?

While many people are familiar with prenuptial agreements, palimony agreements are lesser-known but equally important when it comes to protecting individuals in cohabitation relationships. Discover the concept and implications of palimony agreements here.

Subway Franchise Agreement Australia

Interested in starting a Subway franchise in Australia? Familiarize yourself with the Subway Franchise Agreement specific to the country. Explore the terms, requirements, and opportunities associated with owning a Subway franchise in Australia.

Free Simple LLC Operating Agreement

Starting a Limited Liability Company (LLC)? Make sure you have a well-drafted operating agreement in place. To help you on your journey, you can find a free simple LLC operating agreement template. This agreement outlines the ownership structure, management, and other fundamental aspects of your LLC.

Binding Agreement between States or International Organizations

When states or international organizations form partnerships, a binding agreement becomes essential. Discover the intricacies and legal aspects of such agreements here. Learn about the framework, enforcement mechanisms, and potential implications.

Introducer Agreement MAS

If you are in the financial industry, particularly in Singapore, you may come across the term Introducer Agreement MAS. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) sets guidelines for introducer agreements. Explore the regulatory requirements and significance of such agreements in this context.

Franco Reopening Agreement

The Franco Reopening Agreement refers to the agreement between French authorities and educational institutions regarding the reopening of schools amidst challenging circumstances. Stay informed about the updates, protocols, and measures associated with this agreement.

Agreement Bias in Negotiation

Negotiations are a common occurrence in various scenarios, be it business deals or interpersonal relationships. Understanding the concept of agreement bias in negotiation can help you navigate such situations effectively. Explore the psychological dynamics and strategies to overcome agreement bias.


Understanding Void, Voidable, and Unenforceable Contracts in Different Agreements

In the world of legal contracts, it is crucial to understand the differences between void, voidable, and unenforceable contracts. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings and implications.

A void contract is one that is considered invalid from the beginning. It lacks legal effect and is essentially treated as if it never existed. This can happen if the contract is illegal, involves fraudulent activity, or contains a mistake that makes it impossible to perform. For example, a contract for an illegal activity such as drug trafficking would be void.

On the other hand, a voidable contract is initially valid and enforceable, but one or both parties have the right to rescind or cancel the contract due to certain circumstances. These circumstances can include fraud, duress, misrepresentation, undue influence, or the inability of one party to understand the terms of the contract. An example of a voidable contract is a contract entered into by a minor, who has the right to disaffirm the contract upon reaching the age of majority.

An unenforceable contract, on the other hand, is one that is considered valid but cannot be enforced by a court of law. The reasons for a contract to be unenforceable can vary, but common reasons include lack of a written agreement for certain types of contracts, failure to comply with statutory formalities, or the contract being based on an illegal purpose that violates public policy. For example, an oral agreement for the sale of land may be unenforceable due to the Statute of Frauds, which requires certain contracts to be in writing.

When it comes to different types of agreements, it’s important to understand how these contract classifications apply. A trade agreement between the European Union and Bosnia, for example, would fall under the category of a voidable contract if either party engages in fraudulent activity during the negotiation process.

In family law, a child support settlement agreement may be considered unenforceable if it violates public policy or fails to comply with statutory requirements. Similarly, a collective agreement between the National Society of Teachers Union and an educational institution may include provisions for bereavement leave, which can be considered void if they contradict or violate existing labor laws.

In the realm of finance, an ISDA master agreement may contain provisions for additional termination events that make the contract voidable if certain triggering events occur. Similarly, a standard facility agreement used by the Loan Market Association may include clauses that render the contract unenforceable if the borrower fails to meet certain financial conditions.

Lastly, in real estate, a lease-to-own home purchase agreement may be considered voidable if either party engages in fraudulent activity during the transaction process or fails to meet certain contractual obligations.

In conclusion, understanding the distinctions between void, voidable, and unenforceable contracts is crucial when entering into legal agreements. Whether it’s a trade agreement, settlement agreement, collective agreement, finance agreement, or real estate agreement, knowing the implications of these contract classifications can help ensure fair and lawful dealings.


Combining Independent Contractor California Tax Calculator, Air Transport Service Agreement, and Trade Agreements Trinidad and Tobago

California, known for its independent contractor workforce, has introduced a new independent contractor tax calculator. This tool helps individuals accurately determine their tax obligations as independent contractors in the state. It considers various factors, such as income, deductions, and credits, to provide a comprehensive assessment.

In the realm of transportation, an air transport service agreement has been signed, strengthening the collaboration between two renowned airlines. This agreement aims to streamline operations and optimize efficiency. Through this partnership, passengers can expect improved services and expanded flight options.

Meanwhile, trade agreements between Trinidad and Tobago have been attracting attention. These agreements facilitate the exchange of goods and services between the two nations, promoting economic growth and international trade. The partnership opens new opportunities for businesses and enhances diplomatic relations.

Additionally, professionals often rely on professional fees agreements to solidify their working relationships. These agreements outline the terms and conditions between clients and service providers, ensuring a fair compensation structure. By establishing clear expectations, both parties can operate smoothly and mitigate potential disputes.

Another noteworthy topic is the termination of a tenancy agreement. In certain cases, an ex tenancy agreement may come into play. This agreement establishes the terms for ending the tenancy, including notice periods, deposit refunds, and property handover procedures. It serves as a legal framework to protect the interests of both landlords and tenants.

Renewable energy initiatives are gaining traction worldwide, including the establishment of solar power plant power purchase agreements. These agreements allow utility companies to purchase electricity generated by solar power plants. By diversifying energy sources and reducing dependency on fossil fuels, these agreements contribute to a sustainable and greener future.

Employment contracts play a crucial role in labor markets. One common type of contract is the fixed-term employment contract. This agreement specifies the duration of employment, typically for a predetermined period. It provides certainty for both employers and employees, ensuring clear expectations and rights during the employment term.

In the business world, supplier quality agreements are essential to maintain product standards and quality control. These agreements outline the quality requirements and specifications that suppliers must adhere to. By establishing a mutually agreed-upon framework, businesses can ensure consistent product quality and customer satisfaction.

Banking relationships often involve deposit agreements, such as the Regions Bank deposit agreement. This agreement governs the terms and conditions for depositing funds into a bank account. It safeguards the rights and responsibilities of both the bank and the account holder, ensuring a transparent and secure banking experience.

Lastly, the healthcare sector has witnessed the implementation of the HSCN framework agreement. This agreement aims to modernize and improve the National Health Service’s IT infrastructure in the United Kingdom. By upgrading connectivity and enhancing security measures, healthcare providers can better serve patients and share critical medical information.

These diverse topics highlight the importance of agreements and contracts in various industries and sectors. Whether it’s taxation, transportation, trade, professional services, renewable energy, employment, supply chains, banking, or healthcare, agreements play a vital role in shaping operations and ensuring smooth collaborations.


Unique Title: Understanding Texas Agreement of Sale and National Guard Contracts

In recent news, a writer at a university accepts a rare agreement – an agreement synonym understanding. This agreement highlights the significance of effective communication and cooperation in various aspects of life.

One crucial area where agreements are prevalent is in real estate transactions. Take, for example, the Texas agreement of sale. This legal document outlines the terms and conditions between a buyer and a seller when purchasing real estate property in the state of Texas.

On another front, one might question, “What is the minimum contract for the National Guard?” Well, the minimum contract for the National Guard refers to the duration of service required for individuals joining the National Guard, a reserve component of the United States Armed Forces.

Furthermore, when it comes to business entities like limited liability companies (LLCs), agreements are vital for smooth operations. An LLC operating agreement and bylaws serve as internal guidelines that outline the rights, responsibilities, and relationships between the members of an LLC.

In international news, Russia recently made headlines by signing the Paris Agreement. This global treaty aims to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The agreement reflects the collective effort of countries worldwide to protect the environment.

On a local scale, agreements play a significant role in various sectors. For instance, the ATA collective agreement Edmonton Catholic defines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers working within the Edmonton Catholic School District in Alberta, Canada.

Additionally, termination of services can be addressed through an agreement letter sample. This letter serves as official notice between parties involved, outlining the termination terms and any associated obligations.

In the world of business, tolling agreements are commonly used in various industries. For example, BP, a leading energy company, entered into a BP tolling agreement with another party to process crude oil or natural gas on their behalf.

Finally, a click-wrap agreement definition describes an online agreement or contract formed by clicking an “I agree” or similar button. These agreements are commonly encountered when using software, websites, or online services.

As we can see, various agreements are vital in different settings, from real estate to military contracts, business operations, and environmental efforts. Understanding and adhering to these agreements contribute to the smooth functioning and progress of our society.



In the world of agreements and contracts, various topics emerge that require discussion and understanding. From football contracts to tenancy agreement changes, these agreements shape our legal and business landscapes. Let’s explore some of these agreements in more detail.

Agreement for Raters

One interesting agreement that often goes unnoticed is the agreement for raters. This agreement lays out the terms and conditions for individuals who provide ratings and reviews for products or services. It ensures transparency and accountability in the rating process.

Bodo Agreement 2020 in Hindi

On a more global scale, the Bodo Agreement 2020 in Hindi holds significant importance. This agreement aims to resolve long-standing issues and bring peace and stability to the Bodo region in India. It addresses the demands and aspirations of the Bodo community, promoting harmony and inclusivity.

Plagiarism Agreement Form

When it comes to intellectual property, the plagiarism agreement form plays a crucial role. This form establishes an understanding between content creators and users, ensuring that original work is protected from unauthorized use or reproduction.

Football Contract Agreement

In the realm of sports, the football contract agreement governs the relationship between players and clubs. It outlines the terms of employment, including salary, duration, and contractual obligations. This agreement is essential for maintaining fairness and professionalism in the world of football.

Withdrawal Agreement Passporting

In light of political changes, the withdrawal agreement passporting has gained attention. This agreement addresses the implications of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union on passporting rights, which enable financial services firms to operate across EU member states.

USDA Deposit Account Control Agreement

For those involved in the agricultural sector, the USDA deposit account control agreement is of utmost importance. This agreement allows lenders to have control over deposited funds, ensuring the repayment of loans and safeguarding the interests of both parties.

Ways of Agreement and Disagreement

When it comes to interpersonal communication, understanding the ways of agreement and disagreement is crucial. This article explores various techniques and strategies to express agreement or disagreement effectively, fostering healthy discussions and productive conversations.

Buff City Soap Franchise Agreement

In the world of entrepreneurship, the Buff City Soap franchise agreement opens doors to business opportunities. This agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of franchisees, allowing them to operate under an established brand and benefit from a proven business model.

Tenancy Agreement Changes

Lastly, the ever-evolving rental market often requires updates to the tenancy agreement. These changes aim to address new regulations, adapt to market conditions, and protect the rights of both landlords and tenants.

Spoken Word Agreement

For artists and performers, the spoken word agreement serves as a foundation for collaborations and performances. This agreement, also known as a performance contract, ensures clarity in terms of compensation, ownership of intellectual property, and other crucial aspects. Learn more about spoken word agreements in this detailed article.


News Article: The Impact of Agreements and Contracts in Various Fields

The Impact of Agreements and Contracts in Various Fields

In today’s world, agreements and contracts play a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations and legal compliance across different industries and sectors. From business deals to employment relationships, these legally binding documents establish rights, obligations, and expectations for all parties involved. Let’s explore some key types of agreements and their significance.

1. Agreement under CPC

An Agreement under CPC refers to a contract governed by the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC). This agreement sets out the terms and conditions agreed upon by the concerned parties and provides a framework for resolving disputes and enforcing rights.

2. Negotiable CD and Repurchase Agreement

A Negotiable CD and Repurchase Agreement is a financial arrangement where a negotiable certificate of deposit is sold by one party to another, with a commitment to repurchase at a later date. This type of agreement allows investors to secure short-term funding and manage liquidity.

3. Option Contract and Offer Revocation

In an Option Contract, the offeror is legally bound not to revoke their offer during the option period. This ensures that the offeree has a fair opportunity to exercise their right to accept the offer within the agreed-upon timeframe.

4. Certified Agreement for Education Support Workers

A Certified Agreement that applies to education support workers in Victoria is a legally recognized agreement between employers and employees in the education sector. This agreement outlines the terms of employment, including wages, working conditions, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

5. Employee Agreement Vertaling

An Employee Agreement Vertaling refers to the translation of an employment agreement. This ensures that both parties involved have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities, regardless of the language barrier.

6. Military Assistance Agreement

The meaning of a Military Assistance Agreement is an understanding or pact between nations that governs military cooperation, assistance, or support. These agreements are crucial for maintaining peace, security, and defense relationships between countries.

7. Notice of Breach of Contract Letter

A Notice of Breach of Contract Letter is a formal communication sent to the party in default, informing them of their violation of contractual obligations. This letter serves as a notice to remedy the breach or face legal consequences.

8. Myer Stores Agreement 2020

The Myer Stores Agreement 2020 refers to the specific terms and conditions of employment within the Myer department store chain. Such agreements address matters like wages, work hours, benefits, and employee rights.

9. Benefits of Free Trade Agreements

Do the benefits of free trade agreements outweigh the negative impact? This is an important question in the global economy. Free trade agreements aim to promote trade liberalization, reduce barriers, and foster economic growth. However, they also face criticisms regarding potential job losses and unequal distribution of benefits.

10. Release of Indemnity Agreement

A Release of Indemnity Agreement is a legal document that absolves one party from any liability arising from a specific event, transaction, or situation. This agreement protects the released party from future claims or actions related to the subject matter.

As you can see, agreements and contracts are vital instruments in various domains. They provide a legal framework, protect rights, and ensure fair and equitable relationships between parties involved. Understanding the details and implications of these agreements is crucial for individuals and organizations alike.


Breaking News: Unveiling the World of Agreements

In this fast-paced world, agreements hold significant importance in various aspects of our lives. From legal contracts to employment agreements, they define the terms and conditions that govern our interactions. Let’s dive into the diverse world of agreements and explore their significance.

IRS Non-Disclosure Agreement

When it comes to protecting sensitive information, the IRS non-disclosure agreement plays a crucial role. This agreement ensures that individuals or organizations who come into contact with confidential IRS information maintain confidentiality. To learn more about the IRS non-disclosure agreement, visit here.

Telework Agreement Application

In the era of remote work, telework agreements have become increasingly common. Many companies require employees to complete a telework agreement application to formalize their remote work arrangements. If you’re interested in applying for a telework agreement, check out this link.

Wind Farm Lease Agreement

As renewable energy gains traction, wind farm lease agreements are becoming prevalent. These agreements allow landowners to lease their property for the development of wind farms. To understand more about wind farm lease agreements and their benefits, click here.

Consumer Hire Agreement Definition

Do you know what a consumer hire agreement entails? If not, worry not! The consumer hire agreement definition provides clarity on the rights and responsibilities of both consumers and hire companies. For a comprehensive understanding, head over to this website.

Home Buyout Agreement

When buying or selling a property, a home buyout agreement ensures a smooth transition of ownership. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the buyout process. To discover more about home buyout agreements, follow the link here.

Fido Break Contract Fee

Breaking a contract with Fido might incur a fee known as the Fido break contract fee. Before terminating your contract, it’s essential to be aware of the associated costs. To determine the Fido break contract fee, visit this webpage.

Caregiver Employment Contract Template South Africa

Caregivers play a critical role in society, and formalizing their employment with a contract is crucial. If you’re based in South Africa and in need of a caregiver employment contract template, you can find one here.

Four Pillars Agreement CWU

In the realm of labor unions, the Four Pillars Agreement CWU stands out. It is a significant agreement that addresses key issues related to postal workers and their working conditions. To delve deeper into the Four Pillars Agreement, visit this website.

Letter Requesting Compromise Agreement

When parties involved in a dispute aim to reach a settlement, a letter requesting a compromise agreement is often drafted. This letter outlines the desire to resolve the matter through an agreement. To understand the components of such a letter, refer to this link.

How Much Notice Do I Have to Give to Cancel My Vodafone Contract?

If you’re a Vodafone customer and looking to cancel your contract, it’s essential to be aware of the notice required. Understanding how much notice you need to give is crucial to avoid any penalties. For detailed information on canceling Vodafone contracts, click here.

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